Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Found it

For the past few weeks, i have lost myself. I dunno why, just felt lonely and sad, or maybe i was just homesick. I cant put a smile that comes within my heart. I had tried my very best to do it, in everything i can. But somehow, deep inside me, i was still very depressed, and felt being isolated. There was nothing much that i can say. Till, i heard something that i have lost for the past few weeks, received a gift that i was not meant for me to have it.
I m glad, happy, and content. When i m lost in the thick mist, someone pull me out, and lead me to my path. Honestly, i m very happy, happy with everything i have and lucky, lucky to have everyone who cares beside me. My life is not just about myself, but, its me with everyone i that i care.


Mike6015 said...

No worries... although we not there, but anytime when you feel the emptyness, msn us! We'll be there to fullfill your lonelyness and cheers the penguin! Heheh

lingchien said...

i love u, my dear girl... stay strong... we will always be here =)