Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Falling stars

"See a falling stars and put it in the pocket, never let it slip away..."
My falling stars never came to me, i would not hope for more, but just to see it once.
Just once that is enough for me.
Even if i did not get the chance to keep it, but it will remain always inside my mind.
I wonder what would it be if i saw it falling from the sky.
Will i be excited?
Will i just sit there and remain silent till it is gone?
Will i keep my eyes on it?
Will i do anything which i cant predict?
All these thoughts have been running through my mind.
I thought i would not care much about it.
However i was wrong.
I felt so curious about it.
I wanted to know about it.
But then again, i just let it.
Believing that i will get through with it.
Whether i care much or less, i believe that one day, something will replace it.
Its just that i doubt that something will put such an effort.
I just hope that i can see it once, just once.
Not more but once.
